Ice Bats Lose Heartbreaker to Mpls. Heat


The Ice Bats let in a single goal late in the game and are beaten 1 to nothing. The second shutout in as many games.

The referee was antagonized in the pre-game by secondhand and too late complaints about some calls in last week's game. Which led to over-officiating and more complaints at half-time by "Candy Man" Hanson which added fuel to the fire. The Ice Bats were forced to play most of the second half with players in the penalty box.

The first half was scoreless with little sustained pressure by either side. The Ice Bats had the best offensive chances early in the first half when Duane "Killer" Koshiol put a hard slap-shot on the Heat's goalie but the Ice Bats could not control the rebound and put it on goal.

But the Ice Bats wore down later in the half and put intense pressure on the Ice Bats goalie Ross Hedin.

A goal was finally pushed in during a mad scramble in front of the net with multiple Heat and Ice Bat players invading the crease.

Stats and more pictures in the Ice Bat's space.