Ice Bats Loose to 22nd Ave. Station

January 8, 2003

Six Zip Shutout


The highlight of the evening was Ross Bartender Hedin's postgame perfect pour.

As for the earlier broomball contest the Ice Bats found themselves out-manned with only the minimal turnout of eight players. The Ice Bats were forced to play the whole game without a break.

A strong showing by Ross Hedin in the nets kept the score to a respectable 6 to 0 score considering the situation.

The game was moved to the nearby Logan Park outdoor hockey rink when it was decided the broomball rink was un-playable. Though the hockey ring surface was itself soft with standing water and with deep puddles in the north end corners.

Jim Lemire provided the biggest Bat's offensive highlight early in the first half on a breakaway but was stuffed by the 22nd Ave. goalie.

The 22nd Ave. Station being able to sub with their deep bench was able to keep the pressure on and build a 5 goal edge at the half.

The eight Bats were able to hold them to only one goal in the second half when defending the north goal which was in poorer condition.

Pleas for Ice Bat alumni Brainerd Bud Baakkonen and David Antila to take a shift were coldly rejected.



Game One Photo Gallery

Game photos provided by Rodney Bud Baakkonen