Ice Bats Tie NE Yacht Club

January 29, 2003


The Ice Bats started hot against the NE Yacht Club having the territorial advantage in the early part of the first half. Unfortunately they crowded the opposition net too much and their first goal was waved off because an Ice Bat was in the crease.

But they quickly came back and scored the game’s first goal when John Harris, Slim Jim Lemire, and Jourdan Bennett drove to the net and all three took shots on net with Bennett finally driving the rebound home.

A few minutes later Paul Wolfram, who was unable to keep his feet throughout the game on the extra slippery hard ice, had the ball bounce off his stick while falling and fortunately led to a one-timer slap-shot by Patrick Turmoil Pfermoyle. Which the startled Yacht Club goalie watch fly over his shoulder and over the net to give the Ice Bats a two goal lead.

Ice Bat Photo Gallery

Rodney Bud Baakkonen's Photos

Enthusiasm was dampened however when Ice Bat alumnus Dave Boomer Antila eagerly tried to place bets against the Ice Bats after they took the lead.

At this point the Yacht Club squad cut the score in half when the Bats turned the ball over in their own end. A Yachter was able flip a bouncing ball over the head of Bat goalie Ross Hedin who had come out to challenge the shooter.

Another Ice Bat defensive lapse allowed the Yachtsmen to tie the score when a Yachter snuck up the slot and received a cross net pass which he drove into the open side of the net.

The Ice Bats played strong defensive second half allowing the opposition few good scoring chances and Ross Hedin kept out the ones that did get through.

Including killing a penalty on Ice Bat David Hanson who was given two minutes for molesting a Yachtsman. The Yacht Club retaliated with some cheap shots on the Bats.

The Bats had the better of the offensive play in the second half but the Yachtsmen’s goalie played a strong second half and the game ended in a 2 all tie.