Final Ice Bats 3 R-Squad 3

February 5 , 2003

The season ended as it started for the Ice Bats being short handed with the minimum of eight players But the results were better this time as the Bats gained their second tie in a row.

With a 3 – 3 result over the R-Squad who were also short handed on the night.

Brad Nielsen notched the first goal of the game grabbing control of an attempt at a centering pass that went wild and into the opposite slot. And snapped a quick wrist pass off a R-Squad defender and through the legs of the R-Squad goalie.The lead was lost when the Ice Bats forwards were late getting back on a R-Squad breakout and the out numbered Ice Bats defenders were forced to allow the R-Squad sniper to take his shot from the slot. He perfectly placed a hard slap shot over the shoulder of the Bats goalie Ross Hedin who did not have a chance on the play.

The R-Squad took the lead before the half on a Ice Bat defensive mishap when Ice Bat defenders Brad Nielsen, David Hanson, and Mark Novak alternately started toward a R-Squad player taking the ball up ice on a break-away and then backed off when they thought the other defender had them. The R-Squader was able to blast in a goal right from the Ice Bat’s doorstep.

After half the R-Squad opened a 3 – 2 lead on a flukey goal when Ice Bat defender David Hanson forced the R-Squad to take a bad angle shot across the goal but the ball deflected off the foot of Mark Novak tying up another R-Squad attacker and deflected into the net.


But the Ice Bats roared back a quick couple of goals to tie the game in the middle of the second period.

Chris Pahl single-handedly carry the ball up ice and fired the ball past the R-Squad goalie.The Ice Bats kept the pressure on and the scrambling R-Squad goalie couldn’t move across the goal mouth to stop a flick shot from Patrick Turmoil Pfermoyle who is believed to have sustained a head injury early in the game. And had been raving incoherently most of the evening.

The Ice Bats tried to keep the momentum going and score the lead goal for a short time. But some Ice Bats were showing signs of exhaustion and the Bats decided to play for the tie.

The Ice Bat defenders and goalie calmly stopped the R-Squad offensive rushes for the rest of the game. Moving the ball up to the Ice Bat forwards who would then dump but not chase the ball into the R-Squad end.

Game photos

and after game Arone's Treats

Game photos provided by

Rodney Bud Baakkonen