Ice Bats Fade Out to 3 to 2 Loss to Fire Men

January 14, 2004


The under manned Ice Bats wore out late in the second half and let the Fire Men come from and beat them 3 to 2.

The Bats controlled the ball most of the first half but were unable to put the ball on goal. The Fire Men converted there one big scoring chance of the half. When the Bats defense was left short handed in front of the net allowing a sniper at the point a chance to one time the first goal of the game.

But the Ice Bats took a 2 to 1 lead early in the second half on a nifty play by Pat "Turmoil" Pfermoyle setting up Steve Loos in front of the net. The Fire Men beginning to lose their composure and allowed Paul "Pudding" Wolfram alone in front of the net to one time a rebound that ended up on his broom to score the second Ice Bat goal of the game.

But the Ice Bats who with only 11 players gradually lost control of the game as they started to fatigue. During the last 5 minutes of the game the Fire Men roared past the Ice Bat front men and were on the scrambling defense and goalie Ross Hedin. And were able to score the tying and winning goal.