Monday, January 31, 2005

Ice Bat Awards

IB Media Services will be choosing the Jimmy's Ice Bat Blue.

Line Player of the Year (forward).

Bud's Ice Bat Red Line Player of the Year (defenseman).

And Dave's Ice Bat Net Minder of the Year award.

The awards are of course named after legendary Ice Bat Hall of Fame members. And unlike other awards these will be based on ice play during the past broomball season and review of game tapes.

It seems pretty obvious who the Ice Bat Red Line Player of the Year and Ice Bat Net Minder of the year will be but there are three Ice Bats still in competition for the Ice Bat Blue Line Player of the Year award and the season’s final game will decide the issue.

Brad Boom Boom Nielsen would win the award at if the season was already over but Steve Loos and Mike Blommel still have a chance to make a statement in the final game.

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