Thursday, January 26, 2006

IB TV - game three highlights

right click to download divx version

right click to download windows media version (lower quality)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ice Bats settle for a stale half-a-loaf 4 - 4 tie to Colliers

former Ice Bat has to eat more than his words after boasting "we'll win"

game 3 photos

The short handed Bats apparently started out strong dominating possession for the first eight minutes of the game. But the younger and better conditioned Colliers team was just playing rope-a-dope and did not allow the Ice Bats to score. For the rest of the game Colliers, equally short handed, controlled the tempo of the game. The Bats like a tired prize fighter just hoped to go the distance.

Colliers scored first and led two to one at the half. Boom Boom Nielsen briefly gave the Bats a 3 - 2 lead with his two goals on the night. But Colliers struck back with two goals to once again take the lead.

John Harris with a diving deflection evened up the game once again at four goal a piece. Ross Hedin in goal was able turn back the Collier scoring opportunities allowing the Bats avoid the loss.

The Ice Bats challenged that one of Colliers goal was set-up by a hand pass but replays showed that the Collier's player touched the ball with his stick after playing the ball with his hand. And the referee had correctly allowed the score to stand.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

IB TV - game two highlight video available

right click to download divx version

or right click to directly download Windows Media version (poorest quality)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Whitey takes a negative view

game 2 photos

Whitey Wolfram was disappointed by a mere seven to zero ice bat victory over the love pimps. a win over a team which for Wolfram brought to mind the cast of hr puffnstuff.

Ice Bat Nation on the other hand takes a positive view of the "New Patrick" Turmoil Pfermoyle who has this season turned his potential into being the leading candidate for Red Line Player of the year. The "New Patrick" consistently lead the Ice Bat attack up ice and scored for the second game in a row.

Also a big positive the return of Mike Blommel strong two way play who also scored in the game which helped make up for the still missing Steve "El Fuego" Loos. There play along with Brad "Boom Boom" Nielsen allowed the other Bats to trail behind and feed on the remains. As the Spring Street waitress observed "it always happens on the second bounce."

Thursday, January 12, 2006

IB TV - game one video highlights

great goals from Boom Boom and Turmoil, fireman defenseman shoots one into his own net, Hit Maker has good and bad moments, and interviews:

right click to directly download Windows Media version

or right click to directly download DIVX version

or right click to directly download 3GP version

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ice Bat Nation Shows the Way

(Reverend Thoulouis leads Bats in pre-game prayer.)

Ice Bat Nation challenged and motivated the Bats to a six to four victory over the firemen tonight. In a break though game for the Ice Bats which could lead to a successful season.

Ice Bat Nation insisted that this was a "must win game" and believing the Bats could win inspired the team to overcome negative voices. Such as former player Dave Boomer Antila comments at half when the game was tied up at two goals that winning was "asking too much."

But beautiful goals in the second half by Brad "Boom Boom" Nielsen and Turmoil Pfermoyle put the Ice Bats into the driver seat. Pfermoyle working at his natural position of defenseman, as suggested by the Ice Bat Nation, looks like a leading canidate for red line player of the year.

Whitey "Slowed by Injuries" Wolfram who hit rock bottom last year and was dropped from the Bats roster at the end of 2005 and is currently playing on probation has started to become coachable. Whitey has found staying on his feet allows him to shoot the ball and was able to score three goals in the game. But David Hanson is still not sold on Whitey describing his scores as "flukey" and "happening to be in the right place at the right time." (Replays showed one goal Whitey claimed credit for was actually shot in by a firemen defenseman who mis-played Whitey's well off target shot.)

Gretzky scored the other Bat goal.

The Bats have to be concerned that goalie Ross "Hit Maker" Hedin recent hockey goalie outings may have led to his the catching Robin "Cookie" Cook syndrome. When he seemed flumoxed by soft shots in the early going. But Hedin seemed to toughen up and shake off some of the off-season rust in the game's second half.

View Game Photos

Monday, January 09, 2006

Jim Moir added to the Friends of the Bats Hall of Fame

(Picture from the 2002 season)

A new wing has been added the Ice Bats Virtual Hall of Fame for 2006 called the Friends of the Bats for non-players who have contributed greatly to the Ice Bat community.

The first member of chosen is Jim Moir at the suggestion of IB Mike Shepard.

Jim worked with many Ice Bats at International Decision Systems and often came out to the rink to support the Bats.

Jim unfortunately died in the summer of 2002.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

humor from whitey the evening's highlight

ice bat humorist whitey wolfram always brings laughter. last week at spring street bar and grill when it was mentioned that whitey had sent a email that saying that he would be there at his "usual time". everyone in unison immediately responded with a sardonic "meaning that he's not going to show up at all".

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

climate changes...

The initial game of the Ice Bat 2006 season was postponed due to the long stretch of above freezing temperatures made it impossible to produce a adequate ice surface for the game.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ice Bat 2006 Season Schedule

February 15, 2006 Da Moose
January 11, 2006 Firemen (Must Win Game) 8:00 PM
January 18, 2006 Ice Pimps 6:00 PM
January 25, 2006 Colliers 6:00 PM
February , 2006 22nd Ave Station 7:00 PM

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