You Can’t Have One Without the Other

Matthew 11:17


It has been said that you can tell a lot about people if you look at what makes them laugh and what makes them cry.

* Often laughter and tears dwell together.

But what about those who can’t do either?

Is that a sign of a spiritual problem?

  1. This could be a simple description of the Pharisee stubbornness.
  2. Jesus described the Pharisees as those who could neither dance or cry.

  3. It could reveal a spiritual principle we need to recognize.

* We think if we had a pain free life we would be closer to God.

Adam and Eve knew no pain, yet they felt God was holding out on them.

It was when God came to them in their pain that they renewed fellowship.

I. The joy of loving cannot be experienced without the pain of risk.

A. This is true of marriage.

B. This is true of parenthood.

C. This is true of friendship.

II. The joy of accomplishment cannot be experienced without the pain of labor.

A. Athletes teach us this lesson.

B. Musicians teach us this lesson.

C. Laborers teach us this lesson.

D. Spiritual leaders teach us this lesson.

III. The joy of forgiveness cannot be experienced without the pain of conviction.

A. Some try to deny that there is such a thing as sin.

B. We need to take sin seriously, but we also need to take grace seriously.

C. The most wonderful thing that can ever happen to you is to be forgiven.



Jesus experienced this phenomenon. The Bible says, "for the joy that was set before him, Jesus endured the cross."

What was that joy?

* It was the joy of saving you. *

Remember, sorrow and joy have the same Lord, and he is calling to you today.



"Ye are not above the Master.

Will you breathe a sweet refrain?

Then His grace will be sufficient

When your heart is pierced with pain."


Renoir, the famous French painter, in his later years suffered badly from arthritis. On one occasion, his friend Matisse asked, "My friend, why do you keep on painting when you are in so much pain?" Renoir replied, "The pain passes, but the beauty remains."