What should I do? (Decisions) (Luk 15:11-24)

Rebellious Son- wanted to see what the world was like (Luke 15)

  1. He no doubt had been taught right.
  2. He made several decisions (most of them wrong)
  3. Never made God a part of that decision.
  1. Decided to go-- to a "far country." (v.13)
  2. It must have looked so good to him out in the world.


  3. Decided to live like he wanted to live (v.13)
  4. He thought it better to make his on decisions.

    There came a Famine in the land. (v.14) (what is a famine)


  5. Decided he could find help away from home (v.15)

  7. Decided that home was where he should be (v.17)

  9. Decided to make a right decision and repent (v.18-19)
  1. Decided to come home--no matter what he would find (v.21)


  1. His father decided to take him back. (v.20)