GOD'S PHONE NUMBER Jeremiah 33:1-3 (text v. 3)

This text is a special blessing to anyone going through affliction.

Jeremiah is in prison under false charges (Jer. 37:11-15). God visits Jeremiah in his

hour of need. This is the second time God visited Jeremiah in prison. During this time,

God gives him this great prayer promise. I like to think of Jeremiah 33:3 as God's phone


Have you ever had to DIAL 911? During an emergency you dial 911 and you are

instantly connected to a dispatcher. In front of the dispatcher will be a read-out that lists

your telephone number, your address, and the name by which that telephone number is

listed at that address. Also listening in are the police, the fire department, and the


A caller might not be able to say what the problem is. Or perhaps a woman's husband

has just suffered a heart attack, and she is so out of control that all she can do is

hysterically scream into the telephone. But the dispatcher doesn't need her to say

anything. He knows where the call is coming from. Help is already on the way.

There are times in our lives when in our desperation and pain we dial Jeremiah 33:3

prayers. (Sometimes we're hysterical). (Sometimes we don't know the words to speak.)

(But God knows.) He knows our name, where we are at and what our circumstance is.

Help is on the way; God has already begun to bring the remedy.

I. The PERSON we call --"Call unto me…" (cf. v. 2).

A. The One who has FOUNDED us.

B. The One who has FRAMED us.

C. The One who has FIXED us. He has established us. God has got you right

where He wants you. God knew where Jeremiah was!

II. The PROMISE confirmed --"…I will answer thee…"

A. The love of God promises what is best for us.

B. The wisdom of God perceives what is best for us.

C. The power of God performs what is best for us.

ILLUS.--While crossing the Atlantic on an oceanliner, the great preacher F.B. Meyer

was asked to deliver a message to the passengers on "Answered Prayer." A skeptic

who was present at the service was asked by his friends, "What did you think of Dr.

Meyer's sermon?" He answered, "I didn't believe a word of it."

That afternoon the skeptic put two oranges in his pocket before going for a stroll on

the deck. On his way he passed an elderly woman sitting in her deck chair fast asleep. In

the spirit of fun, the skeptic put the two oranges in her lap. Later as he passed her way,

he saw her happily eating one of the oranges. "You seem to be enjoying that

orange," he remarked with a smile. "Yes, sir," she replied, "My Father gave them to me."

"Your father? Surely your father can't be still alive!" "Praise God," she replied, "He is very

much alive." "What do you mean?" pressed the skeptic. She explained, "I'll tell you, sir. I

have been seasick for days. I was asking my heavenly Father to somehow to send me

an orange. I fell asleep while I was praying. When I awoke, I found He had not only sent

me one orange but two!" The skeptic was speechless.


III. The PROVISION conferred --"…and shew thee great and mighty things…(v3)" ((God had told him this before)) (cf. 32:16-18)

A. Great counsel.

B. Mighty works.

IV. The PLENTEOUS climax "…which thou knowest not." --

Expect the unexpected!

God always exceeds our request!

Sometimes God must tear down and destroy, before He can heal and rebuild. (Vs. 4-5)

A. Health and cure (33:6).

B. Liberation from captivity (33:7).

C. Cleansing from iniquity (33:8).

D. Prosperity and praise (33:9-11)

E. Promise of the Messiah (33:14-17)

CONCLUSION: Sir Walter Raleigh asked a favor from Queen Elizabeth. She answered

him, "Raleigh, when will you leave off begging?" He answered, "When your Majesty

leaves off giving!"