We see a man by the name of Jairus, who was a ruler of the synagogue, and whose 12 year old daughter was at the point of death


What was it about the plea of Jairus that persuaded the Lord to make His way through the

crowd to where his daughter lay dying?

It could be because he pleaded:

A. Humbly

2. When Jairus came to Jesus, he "fell at His feet." He needed the best gift that Jesus had

to give, the gift of life. Jairus knew that this wasn't the time for pride.

3. When we have a need in our life, the best place to be is at the feet of Jesus.

Ps 34:18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Jas 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

B. Desperately

1. Jairus' desperation led him to seek the Lord's help.

2. Sometimes it takes an experience of desperation to turn people to the Lord.

Ps 119:67 Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.

3. It's sad but true, that so many times people wait for a crises to come along before they are

willing to turn to the Lord.

4. Even in the midst of a crisis to help those who will come to Him as Jairus did.

C. Courageously

1. He had a lot to lose in terms of position and prestige by coming to Jesus.


2. As a ruler of the synagogue, it was Jairus' duty to oversee and direct the services that

were held there.

3. It takes as much courage to come to the Lord today


A. The Messenger's Report v. 35

1. No Hope

a. Can you imagine the heart of this father as he heard the words,

"Thy daughter is dead..."?

2. No Help

a. No need to bother Jesus any longer because there was nothing that could be done

*But it was a message full of misinformation. *

B. The Master's Reply v. 36

1. Jesus was about to get involved, and when Jesus gets involved there is no such thing as a hopeless or helpless situation.

Because Jesus Is Right For Whatever's Wrong In Your Life.

2. The Master encourages Jairus to do two things:

a. To Put Away Fear

(1) Jesus said, "Be not afraid..."

b. Practice Faith

(1) Jesus told the ruler of the synagogue to "believe."

(2) Are you willing to believe? Are you willing to put a way fear and

practice faith in the One who has all power?