Joseph's Temptation Genesis 39:1-21

This story from the life of Joseph is an illustration of great victory!

IN Vs. 1-7, Let's learn that...

I. No One Is Immune To Temptation V. 1-7

It would be wonderful if we could live without facing temptation. But the simple fact is that we cannot.

1. The pressure of temptation came.

a. Joseph was a servant in the house of Potiphar, a high-ranking Egyptian official.

b. (V. 2)While a servant of Potiphar, Joseph experienced the blessing of God on his life.

2. Note V. 3..."his master saw it"...and Joseph was promoted to oversee the entire household.

3. In verse 7 we learn that even being in the midst of God's blessing does not insulate us from the attack of Satan.

a) The tempter often strikes when we are experiencing the most success.

b) He desires to catch us with our guards down.

Even though God was present and God was prospering, Joseph faced temptation.

A second lesson we can learn is that...

II. No One Should Yield To Temptation V. 8-12

Yes we can triumph over temptation.

1Co 10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1. Joseph is proof that we can say no to temptation and escape the consequence of sin.

But doing so is an active process.

1. Joseph was successful because...

1. He would not consider dishonoring his God (V.8-10)

V. 8 says, "But he refused!"

Why? Because he had a real sensitivity to sin and a great love for God. V. 9

I am sure that this temptation was difficult to resist because Potiphar's wife would not give up. (V.10)

1. But he did not rationalize it.

2. He did not compromise.

3. He remained firmly on his stand for what was right.

2. He was also successful because...

1. He would not linger in the presence of temptation.(V.11,12)

(v.12) He fled! He didn't play with the situation. He took drastic action!

In other words, we can counteract temptation simply by staying out of its way.


ILLUSTRATION: If you want to lose weight, one room in the house you might want to avoid may be the kitchen!


III. No One Cares As Much As The Lord. V. 13-21

He was falsely accused and put into prison.

Although everything appeared to be going against him,

Notice v. 21..." But the LORD was with Joseph, "

Others may betray us and forsake us, but the Lord never ever will!