Turning Lemons to Lemonade. (Phi 1:12-26)

Paul wrote Philippians during a time when life had seemingly given him Lemons. (He was in prison)

  1. Consider the benefits of the problem.
  1. (v.12) The furtherance of the Gospel.
  2. (v.13,14) Disciples are more confident speaking the word.
  3. Regardless of people's motives, - Christ is being proclaimed.

Corrie boom was living in a German concentration camp, her entire body became infested with lice, making a bad situation even worse. She was complaining about it one day, and her sister reminded her of the Bible verse that says, "In everything give thanks", Corrie's response was " How can I give thanks to God for lice?" Later she found out that the lice had actually protected her from the assaults of the German soldiers.


Every Problem has benefits,

  1. We just have to look for them.
  2. Our natural tendency is to see only the problem itself.
  3. More we look the Bigger it Gets!

Charlie Grimm was managing the Chicago Cubs, They were experiencing an extended batting slump that had caused them to sink into last place in their division. One evening a Scout phoned from a small town in Nebraska and said, "Coach I've Just stumbled onto a great pitching find. This afternoon the kid pitched a perfect game. Twenty-seven strike outs in a row! Nobody even touched the ball till a guy hit a foul in the last inning. Shall I sign him up? "NO" the coach said, "We don't need pitchers. We need hitters. Sign the guy who got the foul.

Paul's top priority was the gospel of Jesus.

He saw the Benefits of the problem.


  1. Consider the Limitations of the problem.
    1. If your problem seems unbearable, you need to change your prospective.
    2. There are a few things even the worst problem can't change.
  1. They can't separate you from the love of God.
  2. They can't separate you from God's family.
  3. They can't separate you from God's protection.
    1. God is bigger than any problem you will ever face.
    2. God has a way of turning our problems into a "win either way"

(ILL> song, I'm a winner either way.

v.21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

In the mist of adversity, you have two things:

  1. The power of prayer.
  2. The power of the Holy Spirit.

Php 1:19 For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,


  1. Consider the Opportunities the problem presents.

The Chinese word for Crisis is a compound of two words. Dangerous and opportunity.

Every problem has an opportunity for God to accomplish something in your life.

  1. It may help somebody.
  1. Watching us come through.
  2. Helping us come through.

Php 1:23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better:

24 Nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you.

Paul used it as an opportunity to write to the other churches. (word of God)

  1. Several years ago, John Walsh dropped off his 6 year old sun in a mall video arcade. The young boy, Adam was abducted and murdered. As a result of this tragedy, the Adam Walsh Foundation was established to help others who have experienced the same tragedy.
  2. Alcoholics Anonymous was built addicts to help other addicts.

Every problem has hidden opportunities for ministry.

  1. When Jesus died almost all his disciples thought all hope was lost
  1. They didn’t see the opportunity of the problem.
  2. 1Jo 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.

  3. They didn't see that everyone could be saved.

Our problems may not be punishment,

They may be Opportunities for us to experience the power of God in our lives.

When life gives us LEMONS,

We have the opportunity to have LEMONADE!