Phil. 3:10-16

Paul’s single greatest desire in life was to attend the resurrection of believers and be found faithful there, winning the crown of righteousness. However, he knew that life wielded some possibilities before you and I that could sidetrack us as we strive for that same goal. He also knew what he MUST DO if he would stay faithful in the race. He tells us the need of;

  1. DISSATISFACTION (Vs. 12-13a)
      1. Discernment of the fallacy.
        1. Paul resisted the desire to think about how great he had done for the Lord’s work.
        2. He knew that he must not have any confidence in the flesh and his works; VS. 9 !
        3. He also knew that Christ must be not only his Savior BUT ALSO his LORD!
      2. Discovery of the fact.
        1. Paul could reflect on his past works for GOD! Vs. 4-9.
        2. But he had been WRONG!!!! That was his OWN righteousness, but he must be found in CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS!
      1. Wrong comparison leads to self-satisfaction!
        1. Paul could compare himself by himself! 2 Cor. 10:12 "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves; but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise."
        2. Often we compare our progress to other Christians lives.
        3. If they are doing okay like that, I must be too.
        4. If they don’t do anything around the church and are going to heaven, I should be able to also!
        5. If they don’t come on Wed. or Sunday night, why should I?
      2. Self-Satisfaction leads to Stagnation!
        1. Christ looked at two churches and their people in Rev. and declared them stagnant;
          1. SARDIS Rev. 3:1 "Have a name that lives but are dead". Lukewarm & self-satisfied.
          2. LAODICEA Rev. 3:17 said they were "rich & increased with goods, and needed nothing" but Jesus said they were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked".
        2. Christianity isn’t about taking your seat on the gospel plane and waiting for the flight to heaven, but actively pursuing the knowledge of Christ!!
      3. Paul said, "I am not be satisfied to just stay where I am; but I MUST HAVE MORE OF CHRIST!"
  2. DEVOTION (Vs. 13b)
        1. Mankind has tendency to DO for his worthiness! The more accomplished the better we are! TROPHIES!! Paul could list his accomplishments in vs.s.4-7, but he counted them as nothing in comparison to winning Christ affection and love and acceptance!! But serving Christ isn’t what we DO, it is what we ARE!!! We are not servants but SONS!!!!
        2. Christ warned about life’s priorities and forgetting to walk with HIM many times!
        3. Ch. 2:21 "For all seek their own, not the things which are Christs".
        1. To calculate on the Savior!
          1. Paul said "one thing I do".
          2. "One thing thou lackest" said Jesus to the rich young ruler.
          3. "One thing is needful" said Jesus to busy Martha in her home.
          4. "One thing I know" said the man born blind from birth.
          5. "One thing have I desired of the Lord that I will seek after" said the Psalmist 27:4.
          6. Jesus said "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". Mt. 6:22.
        2. To cultivate one’s salvation!
          1. Salvation is a RELATIONSHIP!
          2. To many it is like a spare tire-there if necessary and good to fall back on, but best kept out of sight and packed away till needed.
          3. Relationship’s need cultivation.
        3. To concentrate on the Center!
          1. "That I may know HIM!" vs.10.
          2. We need to concentrate on living the spiritual life!! ILL. If a river overflows it’s banks, around it becomes a swamp; but if it is dammed up and controlled, it becomes a source of power.
          3. To live a powerfilled life, concentrate on the Savior as the center of your life!!
          4. ILL. Before the tragic Chicago fire in 1871, D.L. Moody was involved in Sunday School promotion, Y.M.C.A. work, evangelistic meetings, and many other good activities; but after the fire, he determined to devote himself to the "one thing" of evangelistic work, and millions of people heard the gospel!
          5. To concentrate involves church faithfulness, prayer, Bible study, and the elements of faith that will build you up! SO MANY LEAVE THESE OFF!!!
  3. DIRECTION (Vs. 13c)
  4. "The unsaved person is controlled by the past, but the Christian running the race with Christ looks toward the future. FORGETTING simply means that we break the power of the past by living for the future. We cannot change the past, but we can change the meaning of the past." W. Wiersbe

      1. Paul said "I PRESS TOWARD THE MARK". Literally an intense endeavor!
      2. What if we put as much energy and time into being a follower of Christ as we do into becoming a sports fan, fisherman, or other hobbies?
      3. We need determination to;
        1. Forget the past-not living in past glories and highlights!!
        2. Forge the future-God works in us that He might work through us! *Ch. 2:12,13 * Ch. 4:13
        1. In the hope of heaven it is not the ones who begin the race well that are recognized, but those who finish well!!
        2. Heb. 3:14 "For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end."
        3. Heb. 12:1,2 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."
        4. That’s good for Paul and preacher types, but not for the average Christian in the pews!?? NO! Vs. 15 says "As many as be mature (perfect), be thus minded" or think just like me about this!!!

ILL. Bear Bryant and the Quarterback

CLOSE -- My friend, people in the world are just running around for the heck of it, but God’s people are to be running for a much greater purpose and goal – that of eternal life and faithfulness when we are raised from the dust to behold our Lord eye to eye!!



Where will you be found?

Are you one who is just glad to be on the rolls?

Will you attain to that perfect resurrection?