Salty Saints Matt. 5:13

Salt is essential both to the health of animals and people.

Actually when Jesus likens us to salt, He pays a great compliment to us and refers to us as very valuable to Him.

The beattitudes, or the "attitudes that ought to be" in the life of the believer (Matt.5:1-11)

Jesus spoke of being poor in spirit, mourning, meekness, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, being merciful, being pure in heart, being peacemakers.

Let’s consider some of the similitudes of the salt.

We are to function as "salt" in our society

Let’s think about several things that salt is and does that should also be true of us as the people of God

I. Salt Preserves

1. This is a very important function of salt.

It is no wonder that canning companies use it.

Illustration: Salt cured country hams.

1.By the way we live.

2. What we teach

If not for the Christian, wickedness would totally take over in our society.

ILL> Noahs day

I would not want to live in this present world at all, if there were no born-again believers.

God’s people are still in this world, working at preserving the old landmarks that have been passed down to us by some godly forefathers.

Example #1

Joseph’s master Potiphar was blessed because Joseph was present (Gen. 39).

Ge 39:2 And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.

3 And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

4 And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.

Example #2

Laban and his possessions were blessed for Jacob’s sake (Gen.28).

Our society does not fully realize how much they owe to those who are godly.

Ge 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

* If no saints were in this world, there would be no resistance to abortion on demand.

If no saints in this world there would be little or no resistance to immorality, pornography and other sins.

The world had better thank God the saints are still here on planet earth.

Your presence should encourage others to serve God.

II Salt Seasons

1. We as God’s people are to add the right kind of "flavor" and "savor" to others lives.

Christianity is to be what salt is to food. It should add flavor to life.

2. There are those who see Christianity as the opposite.

They see Christianity as taking the flavor out of life rather than putting it into one’s being.

* Being a Christian is what makes life worth living *

* It is what puts flavor into our lives. *

* You never really "live" until you know Jesus as your Savior! *

You are to

A. Add Flavor To Your Home

You can make a striking difference in your family relationships.

B. Add Flavor To Your Church

Don’t be guilty taking away from its name and reputation.

C. Add Flavor To Your Work Situation

Work situation may not be ideal, but you can add flavor and make it a better place to work.

* Ralph Sexton Sr. has wrote a book several years ago called, "Bloom Where You Are Planted."

III Salt Stirs Up

If you get a bag of salty potato chips and eat many of them, for salt will seem to dry it up.

A. In The Way You Face Trials

When you can sing when others say there is nothing to sing about,

B. In The Way You Handle Wrongs

When you can turn the other cheek, and try to love those who do not seem to love you,

Then it will make others thirsty for what you have.

C. In The Way You Love Doing What Is Right