"The Story That Must Be Told" Mark 16:1-15

What message would we have to tell if Jesus had not risen?

It is the fact of the resurrection that sets the Gospel of Jesus apart from every other message.

**Why has the story of Jesus refused to die with Him?**

The story of Jesus has refused to die for ONE REASON ONLY: the resurrection.

Anyone who wants to dis-credit Jesus Christ has to disprove that the resurrection. And Disproving the resurrection has proven impossible.

For example, there are at least 8 historical facts generally con-ceded by modern scholars and skeptics.

1. Jesus was a real person and was crucified. (Historian Josepheous)
2. He was buried and the place of His burial was well known.
3. After the death of Christ, the disciples fled in despair, their hopes crushed.
4. The tomb of Jesus was empty on that morning as reported.
5. "Something" happened to convince hundreds of people that they saw Jesus alive after He was known to be cru-cified.
· These "sightings" took place over a period of 40 days.
· They occurred at different times and places.
6. His disciples were transformed and emboldened to fearlessly proclaim the resurrection of Christ in the city that saw Him crucified.
7. One notable skeptic - Saul of Tarsus - became a zealous convert.
8. The adoption of a new "Sabbath."

Any explanation of the empty tomb must account for all eight of these facts of history.

It is the resurrection that makes the Gospel a story that must be told - to everyone

I. Proofs of the Resurrection

A. The stone - Vs 3-4

Frank Morison calls the stone "the one silent and infallible witness" of the resurrection story.

1. It's great size. Vs 4 - It was very great.

a. Matthew also calls it a "great stone."
b. It was large enough that the three women were con-vinced they would
need additional help in rolling it from the entrance
to the tomb.

2. It's obvious removal.

a. All the historical records agree that the stone was already moved by
the time the women arrived.
b. It should also be noted that the tomb had been sealed and secured with
a guard
lest the body of Jesus be stolen.

Mt 27:66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.


· The disciples could not have stolen the body
· A revived Jesus, weakened from extreme loss of blood could not have moved the stone and evaded the guards.

B. The empty tomb - Vs 5-6

1. The women: Entered the sepulchre,
a. Encountered a figure they did not recognize,
b. Observed that the body of Jesus was not there

2. The irrefutable evidence of history is that the tomb was empty of the body of Jesus as observed.

b. Weeks later, thousands were trusting in Christ because of the
evidence of the resurrection

* the empty tomb remained as the most convincing proof that Jesus was alive.

C. The eyewitnesses Vs 9-10, 12

1. Mark records four separate, eyewitness accounts of those who saw Jesus
alive after his resurrection.
a. Mary Magdalene was the first to report she had seen Jesus alive on that Easter morning.
d. Finally, he relates their encounter with Christ the day of His return
to heaven. (Verse 19)

2. The credibility of these witnesses is established by the fact that they could be imprisoned, beaten, tortured and killed - but they could not be made to deny their conviction that Jesus had risen and was alive.

D. The unbelief of the disciples - Vs 11, 13

This may seem to be a strange proof of the resurrection, but it is in fact an amazing confirmation that the resurrection had occurred. Only the resurrection can account for the dramatic change in their behavior

They went forth, and preached everywhere. Faced with opposition, ridicule, threats, prison, and even death, they could not be silenced about Jesus and the resurrection.


II. Proclaiming the Resurrection - Verse 15

A. The personnel - ye

B. The place of proclamation - all the world

1. God is the God of all the world.

a. He alone deserves the worship of every living creature.
b. He alone can provide the solution to man's greatest need - salvation.

2. It is the will of our risen Lord that the good news of His resurrection
be carried across every cultural, religious, and political barrier.

C. The priority - preach the Gospel

1. The Gospel is the "Good News" that Jesus died to re-deem us and lives to save us.
2. God's great desire is that every man hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and be
offered the opportunity to trust Jesus Christ as Savior.