Working on the Altar

  1. Come to the service praying and expecting to see souls saved.
  2. Come hoping and praying that God will use YOU in the service.
  3. Be concerned about your appearance and Breath.
  4. Sit with or near those in spiritual need and pray for them during the service.
  5. Casually observe these prospects during the service.
  6. If LED, speak to them during the invitation.
  7. Be ready to respond immediately when needed at the altar.


The Approach:

  1. Deal according to sex and age when possible.
  2. Determine their need by asking them why they came. Find out for sure.
  3. Remember, they are already under conviction.

They are ready to do something now.


Dealing with the Backslider. (Use 1John 1:9)

  1. Ask them if thry know why they have drifted from God.
  2. Its not necessary for them to tell you, but they must tell God.

  3. Show them Ijohn 1:9 and explain its meaning.
  4. Ask them if they believe the verse and are willing to as it says right now.
  5. Ask them to pray for them selves, and pray with them.


Dealing with the lost. (Use Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:8-13)

  1. Ask them if they know that they are lost and that Jesus died for their sins.
  2. Ask them if they know how to be saved.
  3. If not, show them the verses and explain what God will do.
  4. Lead them in prayer and make sure they pray for themselves.


Follow up:

  1. Make sure they have assurance. Let them tell you.
  2. Encourage new converts to do the following:

3. Introduce them to the pastor.


Something to AVOID:

  1. Avoid taking to much time. Don't talk them out of conviction.
  2. Avoid using to many verses.
  3. Avoid attempting a case beyond your reach.
  4. Avoid feeding them and Meat of the Word. (don’t get over there head)