Sample of DoD Contractors and Agencies
Supported by CPCG:
AF-1: Planning Research Corp. for Ogden Air Logistics Command.
AF-2: General Dynamics (Convair) for ALC-Oklahoma City.
AF-3: Tracor, Flight Systems for ALC-Sacramento.
AF-4: Racal-Dana Instruments for ALC-Kelly AFB.
AF-5: Roselm Industries for ALC-Sacramento.
AF-6: Airspace Technology for ALC-Sacramento.
AF-7: JTP Radiation for ALC-Sacramento.
ASO-1: Sperry SECOR for (Navy) Aviation Supply Office.
ASO-2: Roselm Industries for (Navy) Aviation Supply Office; PMTC.
CECOM: Racal-Dana Instruments for (Army) Fort Monmouth.
HAR-1: Racal-Dana Instruments for Harris Corp.
MCLB-1: Racal-Dana Instruments for Marine Corp. Logistics Command.
MCLB-2: Schlumberger Technologies for Marine Corp. Logistics Command.
NAVAIR-1: SSI & NAWC China Lake/Logistics for PMA-290E at PAX River.
NAVAIR-2: Physical Optics Corp. for PMA-273 at PAX River.
NSA-1: Planning Research Corp. for National Security Admin.
NSA-2: Bendix Corp. for National Security Admin.
NAVSEA: RCI, Inc. for Naval Sea Systems Command.
PSD-1: CSDC for (Navy) PSD/NADEP, North Island; San Diego.
SPCC-1: General Dynamics for (Navy) Ships Parts Control Center.
SPCC-2: Westinghouse Corp. for (Navy) Ships Parts Control Center.
SPCC-3: Racal-Dana Instruments for (Navy) Ships Parts Control Center.
SPCC-4: Systems Integration & Research for SPCC NAVLOGCEN; N.U.W.E.S.
SPCC-5: Raytheon-RTSC for NAVICP-Mech. and NGSS/Avondale.