Navajo Nation Sheep Dip Vat Project




Key Activities:


Another 24 dip vat sites will be sampled for chapters located in Arizona and New Mexico.


The Navajo Superfund Program will continue to negotiate with BIA on a work plan that will address the bioremediation methods for the next four dip vat sites and future sites.


The Navajo Nation needs to be involved with any future work plan process regarding selection of sites for remediation and the cost-effective bioremediation considered by the BIA.



Future Activities:


Complete the soil sampling for estimated 204 dip vat sites throughout the Navajo Nation. To date, 22 have been bioremediated, 24 have been sampled, and next 24 sites will be sampled, leaving a total of 127 dip vat sites to assess.


Establish a special revenue fund (revolving fund) with BIA to remediate priority dip vat sites.


Work with the BIA to establish a protocol for addressing those dip vat sites that will not be bioremediated.


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