Photos 2019


May 10

Water level 247.8

Our berm is starting to erode seriously

May 10 Beattie Beach near 620 Edgemere drive

Vegetation long established by the breakwall is being devastated

At the east end of Edgemere drive, waves are already hitting hard and water is pouring into the street
The new berm has been installed and is working well together with the new pond-to-storm drain shutoff valve and a big pump. Homeowners are probably happy to have the berm for safety, but sad to lose more than half of their back yard. The backyard firepit is under water again.
The storm drains on Edgemere drive are now pumped back into the pond with a large blue plastic pipe. It seems to really help - no water has accumulated in Edgemere Drive yet.
Detail of photo above - a lot of water is being pumped out of Edgemere storm drains.