Massive micro machine model:



It’s still a work in progress.


Things I need to get done.

1.       Build better Power lines

2.       Build the Royal Fishnet Avril Tower

3.       Build the Bank of China Tower

4.       Maximize parking space

5.       Make a Green House / Sports Arena

6.       Hide the Base Pink Foam

7.       Complete The tallest tower.

8.       Fix the PowerLines, so the leds light up the city

9.        Build the 30 inch death star / Power it up with lights.

10.   Work on the under ground subway system.

11.   (Project Scraped) Building a solid sand tower that reaches the top of ceiling.

12.   (Project Scraped) Building the world trade center (buildings looked to dual.)

13.   (Building the Ebay Empire Building)



City Jammed with cars, trains, trucks, toxic waste , parking lots

and in the distance theirs a war going on.


10,000 ft drop off from Micro machine View:


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