Dues cycle & rates
January 1st - December 31st
Annual single membership 18-69yrs of age is $75.00 per calendar year with a current NRA membership.
Married couple of same address is $130.00 with current NRA memberships.
Junior membership = Must be 10 years old and up - fee is $1.00

Annual dues for members 70+ years young shall be $55.00
(2007 Bylaws changed to read all new members shall be/become a member of the NRA,
Members pre September 07 must submit an additional $15.00 per year if not NRA member)

Dues paid between February 1st - February 28th will be charged a late fee of $20.00
If dues are not paid by February 28th midnight your membership shall be withdrawn.

As of March 1st and beyond to be reinstated you must;
Submit an updated application with a $40.00 reinstatement fee plus one years dues
and show proof of current NRA membership or enroll thru club.