PTRC Pistol League 2024/25

The organizational meeting was held September 26th, 2024 6:00PM at the club house!
Our season shall begin with match one 5:30PM Thursday October 3rd,2024
and shall run Thursday's thru March 2025, March 20th will be the last score match.
March 27th, 2025 shall be our FUN SHOOT/PARTY
Registration is open to all members - a fee of $30.00 per shooter

The basic guidelines are-
There are 24 matches scheduled (may drop one or two to possible conflicts) plus a special fun shoot.
Must have at least 10 consecutive scores iron sights or 10 consecutive scores using optic sights
The top 10 scores are averaged for a final score.
If one misses a week there is no makeup permitted!
All PTRC & NRA range safety rules apply.

NRA Bullseye course of fire with Rimfire and Centerfire
For scoring:
GROUP 1: Rimfire One Hand IRON SIGHTS
GROUP 2: Rimfire One Hand OPTIC SIGHTS
GROUP 3: Centerfire One Hand IRON SIGHTS
GROUP 4: Centerfire One Hand OPTIC SIGHTS

Members who wish to participate but wish to use two hand method may do so.
GROUP 5: Rimfire Two Handed IRON SIGHTS
GROUP 6: Rimfire Two Handed OPTIC SIGHTS
GROUP 7: Centerfire Two Handed IRON SIGHTS
GROUP 8: Centerfire Two Handed OPTIC SIGHTS