Dorothy Ione Ricketts

Certification of Birth Record

State of Illinois, Fayette County

This is to certifying that Dorothy Ione Ricketts of the female sex was born on August 22, 1911 La Clede in the County of Fayette and State of Illinois.

Name of Parents -- Father -- John William Ricketts, Mother -- Sarah C. Simmons

Birthplace of Parents -- Father, Effingham County, Illinois -- Mother, Illinois

I hereby certify that the above information was taken from the birth record of the above named individual which was filed in this office in accordance with "The Law to Provide for the Registration of all Births, and Stillbirths and Deaths in the State of Illinois."

Given under my hand and seal this 18th day out Aug. 1952 -- Robert Austin -- County Clerk

Marriage Certificate

This certifies that Allison R. Cox of La Clede and Miss Dorothy I. Ricketts of La Clede were united in Holy Matrimony at Louisville according to the ordinance of God and the laws of the state of Illinois on the eighth day of Nov. in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty.

Witnesses - Ollie Cox and A. R. Kepley

Burt Ragle - Justice of the Peace

Marriage Certificate

I hereby certify, that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the marriage record for the decedent named at item 1 and that the record was established and filed in my office in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Statutes relating to the registration of births end deaths. This certifies that Ermine Monroe Wilson of Edgewood and Dorothy Cox of Edgewood were united in holy Matrimony at Vandalia According to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of Illinois on the seventh day of Feb. in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred sixty four

Witnesses - Hazel Fallon and Gerald Cripe

George R. Kelly , Associate Circuit Judge

Medical Certificate of Death

1. Deceased name -- Dorothy Ione Wilson

2. Sex -- female

3. Date of death -- Jun. 17, 1994

4. County of death -- Clay

5 A. Age last birthday -- 82

5 D. Date of birth -- Aug. 22, 1911

6 A. City, Town, Township, or road district number -- Flora

6 B. Hospital or other institution -- Clay County Hospital

6 C. Hospital or institution indicate operating/ emergency room, inpatient -- Inpatient

7. Birthplace -- Fayette County, Illinois

8 A. Married, never married, widowed, divorced -- widowed

8 B. Name of Surviving Spouse -- None

9. Was deceased in Armed Forces -- No

10. Social Security number -- 350-24-8421

11 A. Usual occupation -- Housewife

11 B. Kind of business or industry -- Own home

12. Education -- Eighth Grade

13 A. Residence -- Rural Route 1-Box 98-North Ash Street

13 B. City, Town, Township, or Road District Number -- Edgewood

13 C. Inside City -- Yes

13 D. County -- Effingham

13 E. State -- Illinois

13 F. Zipcode -- 62426

14 A. Race -- White

14 B. Of Hispanic origin -- No

15. Father's name -- John William Ricketts

16. Mothers name -- Sarah Christine Simmons

17 A. Informant's name -- Joan Cox

17 B. Relationship -- Daughter

17 C. Mailing Address -- Rural Route 1-Box 98-Edgewood, Illinois 62426

18. Due to or as a consequence of -- Stroke

19. Autopsy -- No

21 A. I did attend the deceased and last saw her alive on -- Jun. 15, 1994

21 B. Was corner or medical examiner notified -- No

21 C. Hour of Death -- 6:50 p.m.

24 A. Burial, Cremation, Removal -- Burial

24 B. Cemetery Name -- Edgewood Cemetery

24 C. Location -- Edgewood, Illinois

24 D. Date -- Jun. 18, 1994

25 A. Funeral Home -- Pagel Funeral Home, Box 201, West Broad Street, Edgewood, Illinois 62426

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