Names included -
(Pansy's Family Names) Akeman, Anderson, Angell, Brinson,
Budd, Cates, Clark, Cox, Dillon, Earp (Earpe), Fitzsimmons, Gartin (Garton
& Garten), Goden, Hargis, Harvey, Hawker, Hinchman, Keen, Kirkman,
Lindermood, Mansfield, Martin, Metzgar, Miller, Morris, Nicolas, Oglesby,
Peddycord, Prewitt, Ricketts, Roderick, Shup, Simmons, Slack, Stinger,
Stinger, Taylor, Veasy, Ward, Wink, Yingst and Zimmerman
(John's Family Names) Anderson, Armstrong, Baines,
Barnslie, Beans, Brooks, Brown, Campbell, Cairox, Carr, Clerk, Crawford,
Eppes, Fields, Fisher, Freeman, Gibbons, Gilbert, Giles, Harle, Hatton,
Hord, Jokobowski, Kindred, Kirkpatrick, Landreth, Lewis, Limes, McArtor,
McKee, Mitchell, Page, Paxson, Plumly, Stark, Thompson, Tribue, Walden,
Warren, Wilson and Wisnowski
By Pansy Faith Cox Limes
E-mail me at
The first part of this web page is made up of the ancestors and has links to the descendants of these ancestors of my husband and myself. Anyone wanting more information on the people listed is asked to e-mail me at the address above and I will be happy to give you more info. if I know anything more about this person. I do this to help other people and appreciate any help I receive, if you e-mail me I will use what you send me on my web page unless you tell me to keep it to myself.
I'm very proud of my ancestors service in the Revolutionary War and
Civil War. I have marked the ones who served like this - C.W.
for Civil War and R.W.
Revolutionary War
I'm trying to do some family history at the bottom and I've just added a page showing the Life of Wyatt Earp! Just follow the links to find out how I'm related!
I'm also putting links to family photos on the bottom of each of our pages, so don't forget to take a look!!! I have gotten lots of e-mail from people wanting help as well as people offering help, I REALLY appreciate it! It is not just my web page it is a family web page, I couldn't do it without you, THANKS everybody!!! If I can't help you I'll try to get you in touch with someone who can help you and I'll make a note of it, just in case I run into who you are looking for. I'm not perfect if you see a mistake e-mail me and I'll fix it!
Special thanks to the following -
H. Harvey Barfield, III was a wonderful source of information
for the McArtor and Brown families. Harvey knows about anything you would
want to know about them all and was generous enough to share with me.
Thanks Harvey, I've said it once and I'll say it again, You're an
Another great help is Robert C. McArtor and his bunch of e-mail
pals! We'll figure it out sooner or later!
Joan Cox, Dora Ort, John Wilson and Verla Manuel told me
wonderful stories about the Cox family and Bob George is helpful to me on
the web. Thanks!
Thanks to Sandra Turney for James Cox's Revolutionary war
records, we'll keep on trying to find the connection!
Thanks for the Yingst information go to Susan Schwenke, Nancy
Albert, Ernie Chapman, Ray Maris and Mabel Fancher they were and will
continue to be a great help!
Thanks to Angel Rediger for help with information on the Earp
branch of the family, that I am extremely proud of! Angel knows her
Pat Hoyt and Claudia Cole were great help and support. When I
had doubts they backed up my theories, when I made mistakes they corrected
and helped me fix them.
Linda Jean Ellis, David Limes, Arlene Johnson, Gerald Lawrence
and Elmer Gates are great help on the ancestors of the Limes family.
Norman Limes, Belinda Harpster, and Jerry Dean Limes were
patient and helpful to me with the descendant side of the Limes family.
Richard (Dickie) Simmons for the Simmons side of the family, he
was very helpful.
Thanks to cousin, Tricia Frame for finding a mistake and
bringing it to my attention.
Thanks goes to new cousin, Julia Allison, Julia was wonderful to
help me with the Clark and Ward families and was very generous with her
Thanks to Jeanne Gunnels for help with the Lewis side of the
Thanks especially, to Marjorie Fraser Fitzsimons, I would really
be lost on the Cox family if not for a lucky find. Thanks, Marge!
Especially thanks to my family for putting up with my
obsessions - family genealogy and computers!
Names - Akeman, Anderson, Angell, Brinson, Budd, Cates, Clark, Cox, Dillon, Earp (Earpe), Fitzsimmons, Gartin (Garton & Garten), Goden, Hargis, Harvey, Hawker, Hinchman, Keen, Kirkman, Lindermood, Mansfield, Martin, Metzgar, Miller, Morris, Nicolas, Oglesby, Peddycord, Prewitt, Ricketts, Roderick, Shup, Simmons, Slack, Stinger, Stinger, Taylor, Veasy, Ward, Wink, Yingst and Zimmerman
Names - Anderson, Armstrong, Baines, Barnslie, Beans, Brooks, Brown, Campbell, Cairox, Carr, Clerk, Crawford, Eppes, Fields, Fisher, Freeman, Gibbons, Gilbert, Giles, Harle, Hatton, Hord, Jokobowski, Kindred, Kirkpatrick, Landreth, Lewis, Limes, McArtor, McKee, Mitchell, Page, Paxson, Plumly, Stark, Thompson, Tribue, Walden, Warren, Wilson and Wisnowski
Cox Family History
Ricketts Family History
The Life of Wyatt Earp