John Leroy Limes

Death Certificate

1.  Place of Death -- County of Clay, Township Larkinsburg

2.  Full name -- John Leroy Limes

3.  Sex -- male

4.  Color or race -- white

5.  Single, married, widowed, or divorced -- married

5 A. If married widowed or divorced, husband of or wife of -- Lillie Limes

6.  Date of Birth -- Sept. 18, 1875

7.  Age -- 61 years, six months, one day

8. Occupation of Deceased -- Farmer

9.  Birthplace -- unknown

10.  Name of father -- Thomas Limes

11.  Birthplace of father -- unknown

12.  Maiden name of mother -- Liza Stark

13.  Birthplace of mother -- unknown

14.  Informant -- Lillie Limes, P.O. address -- Farina , Illinois

15.  Filed -- Apr. 9, 1937 K. F. Crandall P.O. address, Iola

16.  Date of death -- Mar. 19, 1936

17.  A cause of death -- myocarditis

Signed D.C. Burrow, address Louisville, Illinois

18.  Place the burial -- cemetery, Edgewood -- location, Edgewood, Illinois -- County Effingham, State

19.  Undertaker -- Louis Gerbel
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