John Wesley Yingst, Sr.

State of Illinois, County of Jasper

1. Full name of Groom -- John Wesley Yingst

2. Place of Residence -- Pesotum

3. Occupation -- Mechanic

4. Age -- 19, Color -- White, Race -- American

5. Place of Birth -- Rose Hill, Illinois

6. Father's Name -- J. S. Yingst

7. Mother's Maiden Name -- Mary Ward

8. Number of Groom's Marriage -- First

9. Full name of Bride -- M.E. Shup

10. Place of residence -- Newton, Illinois

11. Age -- 16, Color -- white, Race -- American

12. Place to birth -- Newton, Illinois

13. Father's name -- James Shup

14. Mother's maiden name -- Florence Stinger

15. Number of Brides Marriage -- First

16. Married at Newton in the County of Jasper in the State of Illinois, the 15th day Aug. 1920

17. Witnesses to marriage -- Alice Woods and Johnie Bishop gated Aug. 15,1920 J. M. Adams, M. E. Minister

State of Illinois

To all who shall see these presents, Greeting:

Know Ye That

Private John Wesley Yingst

Co. E., 4th Infantry

having served patriotically and faithfully in the Illinois Reserve Militia

during World War II is hereby awarded this Citation

for Meritorious Service

by the grateful Citizens of the State of Illinois.

Given at Springfield, Illinois, this 31st day of July

in the year of Our Lord, One thousand nine hundred and forty-seven

Dwight H. Greene


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