Thomas Nelson McArtor

Thomas Nelson McArtor was born on September 29,1835 in Ohio. He married Eliza Ann on March 31,1858, in Knox County, Ohio. Thomas and Eliza Ann had three children: Kertlin L., John Horace and Hattie. Kertlin was born January 19, 1862 and died three years later on December 25, 1865. The story goes that he drowned in the Hokosing River in Gambier, Ohio. This was just three days after the second child, John Horace, was born on December 22,1865. It is my theory that this death put a strain on the marriage of Thomas and Eliza Ann. The strain was probably increased when their youngest child, Hattie, died in 1870 at the age of three.

Whatever the reason, Thomas and Eliza divorced shortly there after. Eliza took the only remaining child, John Horace, and moved to Edgewood, Illinois, with her brother. Thomas eventually moved to Loudenville, Tennessee (the town that his father loved so much), and married a young woman by the name of Sarah Angeline Hair in September 1874. They went on to have a family of eight children.

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