Square Dancing in Ohio

Square Dancing Information

Ohio Federations and Links

Square Dance Ohio - Phone Numbers of Ohio Square Dance Clubs - Ohio Corporation of Dance Clubs - Ohio Square Dance Search - Ohio clubs Database - Akron Area Club Locations - Akron Area Clubs - Akron Area Dances - Akron Area Student Dances - Cleveland Clubs - Cleveland Dances - Columbus Area - Steubenville Area - Cincinnati Area - Dayton Area - Dayton map - Lima Area - Toledo - Toledo Area (old) - Toledo and Tri-State Area - SquareDanceToledo - Ohio clubs - Information for New Dancers - Northwest Ohio Traditional Music and Dance - Folk Dancing - Contra Dance - Contra Dance Festivals

Ohio Callers

Jacl Pladdys - Sam Dunn - Mike Gormley - Marianne Jackson - John Knight - Tom Rudebock - Jody Serlick - Michael Sumpter - Akron Area Callers - Miami Valley Callers - Ohio Callers - Midwest Callers

Other States

Kentucky - Kentucky Calendar - Indiana - Hoosier Corners - Michigan - Michigan Clubs - Tennessee - West Virginia and Ohio River - New York - Pennsylvania - Allegany Valley Dances - State Directories - National Square Dance Directory

Square Dance Conventions and Festivals

Central Ohio Square Dance Flyers

Special Events

April 27-28, 2012 New England Convention (M-C2) Hartford, CT
May 4-6, 2012 Ohio State Convention (M-C1) Akron, OH
May 10-12, 2012 Virginia Square Dance Convention Marriott Chesapeake Hotel Chesapeake, VA
May 17-19, 2012 Derby City Festival (M-P) Paroquet Springs Conference Center, Sheperdsville, KY
May 24, 2012 Ken Ritucci A2 Dance/Workshop Kirtland, OH
May 25-28, 2012 Memorial Day Baylor Beach Weekend 3 Callers Brewster, OH
June, 8-10 2012 June Jamboree 2 Callers Watkins Glen, NY
June, 27-30 2012 US National Convention (M-C1) Spokane, WA
July 19-21, 2012 Star Spangled Banner Festival (M-C1) Crowne Plaza Hotel Baltimore, MD
August 3-5 2012 West Virginia Convention Buckhannon, WV
August 10-12 2012 Pennsylvania Convention Pittsburgh, PA
August 16-19 2012 Michigan Convention Kalamazoo, MI
August 17-19 2012 Summer Sizzler (P-A2) Yorktowne Hotel, 48 East Market Street, York, PA
August 30-September 2, 2012 Dance-A-Rama (M-C1) Des Moines, IA
September 21-23, 2012 Betsy Gotta Weekend Watkins Glen, NY
September 28-29, 2012 Jack Pladdys, Dee Dee Dougherty, Johnny Preston Smokin in Rail City (P-C1) Lima, OH
September or October, 2012 The Gathering Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ
October 12-14, 2012 Dave Wilson DBD C1 No Prisoners Weekend North Bend Park Cairo, WV
October 14-16, 2012 Dave Wilson DBD A2 No Prisoners Mid Week Weekend North Bend Park Cairo, WV
October 25-27, 2012 Heartland Jubilee (A2-C3) 6 Callers Kings Island Mason, OH

JUNE 26-29, 2013 62nd National Square Dance Convention (M-C1) Oklahoma City, OK

JUNE 25-28, 2014 National Square Dance Convention (M-C1) Little Rock, AR
July 17-19. 2014 Canadian National Convention (M-C1) Ottawa, Ontario

Information about Square Dancing

Square Dance Attire

Lazy J Western Wear Outlet, 5055 SR29, West Jefferson, Ohio 43162, phone 800-669-0004
Bonley Company 5258 Kinsman Rd Middlefield, OH 44062, phone 440 693 4693
Custom Made Clothing by Laura Stewart 33165 Outley Park Drive Solon, OH 44139, phone 440-248-3098
Designs from 'Fay' - "One of a Kind Square Dance Outfits"
c/o Faye Swiger Piqua, Ohio 45356 , phone 937 615-0317 fswiger@woh.rr.com

A2 and C1 Events in the Northeast

Advanced square dancing can be found in Akron. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, and Toledo Ohio.
Challenge dancing can be found in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Northeast Ohio.

For additional information send email to ppardee@frontiernet.net. This page is unofficial and noncommercial. Travelers will find that most clubs in Ohio do not dance every week. Schedules are available at the state convention and at various club dances. For additional dances and the most recent schedules follow the federation links at the top of the page. Summer hours or locations may differ.