The Outer Limits - Kirsten Dunst
Episode - "Music of the Spheres" (1997)
Devon Taylor (Joshua Jackson), a 20 year-old physics whiz, has heard a lot of strange sounds
coming from space as part of his job assisting Dr. Evan Swift (Larry Musser) at the radio
observatory--but something tells him this signal, coming from the direction of Certus, is
special. Devon's suspicions are confirmed when he takes a tape of the signal home and his 17
year-old sister, Joyce (Kirsten Dunst), and her boyfriend Vic (Ryan Taylor) react as if they
have heard the most beautiful music in the world. But the sound, which seems comprehensible
only to teenagers, has a disturbing side-effect; Joyce and Vic's skin begins physically
changing, as does the skin of all the other teenagers they expose to the sound. Worse, when
Devon's father (Howard Hessemen), orders the music taken away, the teenagers appear to go
through a painful and possibly deadly withdrawal. Faced with the spread of this potentially
deadly audio virus, the government imposes martial law as Devon and his father try to figure
out why the sound has the effect it does. Is this the first act of war by an alien civilization
or are the children suffering only because the adults are deaf to this precious gift of special
Cast: Joshua Jackson, Kirsten Dunst, Howard Hessemen, Larry Musser, Ryan Taylor.
Props and Wardrobe
This green sheer blouse was worn by Kirsten Dunst near the very end of the show where she has totally
transformed into the alien being. [Legends in Time Memorabilia, Inc. COA]
Green Sheer Blouse from the Outer Limits
Kirsten Dunst wearing the blouse in full alien make-up.