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My thoughts and experiences

as a baby boomer

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My life as a baby boomer is definitely interesting. I was born when there were no personal computers, Internet, cell phones, and many other things.

I have survived those years. Sometimes I wish that we could slow down. Many things were invented to save us time, but what we have done is filled in those moments with more things to do instead of taking time to smell the roses or spend time with our loved ones.

February Blogs

February 28, 2011

Well, it is the last day of February. No leap year this year. For all those of you born on February 29 “Happy Birthday”.

What has come to mind for me this past week is the population “J” factor ¹. That is where centuries ago we had enough resources to sustain the population. Now, because of technology, scientific research, better health knowledge we are extending our lives. Is that a good thing?

Nature has a way of keeping populations of species in check. They are called “predators”. The predators of the human race are diseases, accidents, natural disasters plus many more.

I understand in having good health while we are alive which would give us a good quality of life. But, to extend one’s life by medical transplants, in vitro fertility treatments,  test tube babies, etc... We are defying mother nature or God’s plans for us.

In a world that currently wrestles with such serious problems as global warming, the thinning of the ozone layer, increasing crime rates, toxic chemicals in our food, and starvation in developing nations, each of which is at least partially due to growing world population, it's hard to imagine anyone opposing restraints on population controls ².

The population of the United States will have increased from around 272 million currently to around 276 million by the end of the year 2000, and to around 330 million by the end of 2025. Eight states have growth rates that exceed 2 percent, meaning that their populations will double in less than 35 years. This is what I call the “J” factor.

Related resources -


² http://www.impactpress.com/articles/febmar99/population2399.html

February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.

February 7, 2011

As a baby boomer we learned to things ourselves. Girls (and maybe guys, too) learned how to sew, cook, balance a check book.

In doing math we learned how a math operation worked. Today computers and calculators do it for a person. Sometimes I think technology has weakened us in certain areas. Case in point a lot of people cannot do basic math since they have relied on calculators. It is sad that children in first grade are being asked to buy a calculator as part of their school supplies.

For meals families sat at a table for a home cooked meal. Today, there are fast food places all over the place. It is sad, that when those places began, they did not look at the health cost of the fast food. I am glad places have started changing their menus more for a healthier choice. Unfortunately for many people that has come too late.

March Blogs


Homeschooling has blossomed over the years. Due to the decreases in funding, larger class sizes and insufficient teachers, education standards have decreased in the public school systems. Home school can provide a better education for students (homeschool-curriculum.org).

I have seen the spiraling problems of traditional schools. Bullying that led to killings.

Then we have schools who are more interested in test scores than a pupils learning ability. See article below. I agree with this mom’s opinion. Let us take back what the schools were meant for. Teaching our children ways to be a productive adult as they grow.

Mother hopes others will opt out of standardized testing...read more


Being a baby boomer, I have so many thoughts and ideas going through my head that it is hard to focus one one subject, but when I do look out. I have so much ire on our so called education system. I am reading a book Dumbing Us Down. I do not believe in the “No child left behind” law. Society is always preaching for us to learn from our mistakes. Read more...


I agree with this mom wholeheartedly. I saw this on Nightly News tonight.

“Race to Nowhere” targets academic pressures

There’s a key scene in the documentary “Race to Nowhere” when a high school student asks, “If I can’t fail, and make mistakes, then how can I be expected to learn?” Read more...


Today is my birthday. Hurray!  My health is fine. I could do better, but I guess that is why I am constantly trying to find what would work for me. Diet and fitness plans are not a one size fits all. When you take into consideration all the variables of a persons life, a plan has to be modified for that person. I do not believe that if you take a pill you will lose weight. Losing weight and getting into shape takes determination and discipline.

On to other things to talk about.

Now I can order off of the 55+ food menu. It can be a perk. It is less expensive and smaller portions. I wonder what other “perks” I can find? Hmmm.

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