Daddy loves me
I love my Daddy!

I look like Mommy This is my native Peruvian outfit
My native Peruvian outfit
I love Unity
Unity is my "big sister"
By the sea with Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa visit me
Swinging is fun!
Swinging is fun
Hey everything is upside down
Daddy tells me all about flowers

In March 2005 I got to come to America with Daddy and Grandma Merci and Grandpa Jesus to meet all my Dad's relatives for the first time!
 It was quite an adventure.

At the park playground by Cheat Lake
Fun with Connor in the tub
Mirror Mirror whose the cutest of them all?
Happy 2nd Birthday

with Aunt Becky
with Uncle Danny
with Uncle Jason

Just cruising with Connor
MommaSue and PoppaJim with all of us grandkids I'm a big bunny!

My new Elmo shirt In June 2005, Aunt Becky and Grandma Sue came to Spain to visit after Aunt Becky finished medical school.

Down the slide
I wake up grumpy sometimes.

Boogie down to Twisted Sister in the car

Momma Sue and Scarlett at the beach

Super Cool Shades
I can ride this lion.

In July 2005, Daddy and Mommy and I went to Peru to meet all of my Mom's relatives there.  It was really a big adventure, too.



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