
Neither one of us comes from a large family--Sandy has one brother and Jodie has one sister.  Both of us are "small town" kids.  After years of working in the Twin Cities, we chose to retire to a small town on Minnesota's Iron Range.   In May of 2007, we moved back to the Cities to be closer to family since that is where everyone now lives!  We are fortunate to be in a suburb that is very much "small town," which we really appreciate and enjoy.

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The photo on the left is of Jodie's family-- Front:   Keri (holding Mitchel), great-niece Maddy, sister Judy, niece Kathy.  Back:  nephew Patrick, great-nephew Gabe, Sandy and Jodie. 

The photo on the right is of Sandy's family-- Front:  Jodie, Brian and Mary.  Back:  Bryce, Brent and Sandy.

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 On the left are Jodie's parents.  Her father passed away in 1974 and her mother in 2004.  On the right are Sandy's folks.  His dad passed away in 2003 and his mother passed away in 2006 (He was 98 and she was almost 101!).


Jodie's mother was a big Minnesota Vikings fan!

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On the right:  Our two grandsons.

On the left:  Jodie's great-niece and great-nephews.

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Sandy and our two grandsons, who are now older.

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Next Page--Hiking
