
Three things must be clear from the photo below:  Sandy is pretty secure in his fishing ability, he must love to fish and he has a good sense of humor!

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This photo was taken on a trip to Sandy Beach Lodge in Canada.  It was also our Christmas card in 1986 (Haven't we aged "gracefully"?).  We did a series of Christmas cards in our Osh Kosh bibs.  It was a fun time and led us to take many more fishing photos through the years.

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Sandy is thrilled to have a grandson who loves to fish.  In fact, it is difficult to get the young one off the lake to eat!  On the left is a nice walleye that Sandy caught on the Opener one spring.  In the center is our older grandson when he stayed with us at the cabin in 2001.  On the right they hold a somewhat smaller fish in 2005.  They are real fishing buddies!  In 2005 we got him interested in hunting, so soon they will also be hunting buddies!

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On the left, Jodie's nephew and his son fish off the dock.  On the right is her great-nephew's first-ever fish.  We asked him if he wanted to put it back in the lake or if he wanted to eat it.  The look on his face when he asked, "EAT it?" was priceless.  We will make a fisherman out of him yet!

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We try to make an annual trip to Lake of the Woods for a weekend of ice fishing with Min and Jim.  On the left is our photo from 2003.  On the right is the photo from 2005.  The fishing in 2005 was not the greatest: however, we always have a wonderful time snacking and laughing.  There are rewards!  Whenever we take this trip and go ice fishing, it reminds us of a cartoon that Sandy's uncle from California sent us of a guy ice fishing with the caption:  "A man with little or no regard for his free time!"

Great fun, once again.  And now it's time for us to return to our fish house to try to catch some fish.  Sandy had such terrible luck that the house was starting to smell of skunk!  Fortunately, he finally caught a fish the last day! 

Perhaps we are crazy to enjoy ice fishing.  However, starting the day with a view like this, who can help but love it?

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In the past we used to do Christmas photos that were our silhouettes.  On the left is one that we did commemorating our summer fishing and on the right is our winter fishing.  While the photos were great fun to do, it was difficult to come up with a new idea each year.  The winter one was especially difficult because it was almost 20 degrees below zero when we took it and Sandy kept slipping and falling when he ran from the camera to sit down.

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So--It's "Bye" for now as the master angler heads out with all of his fishing buddies!

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Next Page--Cabin
