Recent Photos

 Christmas, 2008
We celebrated early with Sandy's daughter and family as they were heading to Florida on Christmas Eve.  Had a very pleasant evening.  This year we decided to make donations to charities or non-profits rather than to exchange gifts.  We each had a little gift to open.  It was a very nice way to do things.
We spent Christmas Eve at Jodie's nephew's house.  It was wonderful to be with "wee ones" for the special holiday.  The two younger ones had their tonsils out on December 22nd, so it was a little quieter than usual.
Left:  Our great-niece waits for the packages to be distributed before the opening.  Center:  She and her aunt (our niece) share a giggle.  Right:  Patiently waiting for her own turn.
Left:  Our great-nephew opens a gift.  Center:  Can you tell he is thrilled?  Right:  With his Star Wars toy (shades of his father!!).
"Tractor Boy"  Left:  A new tractor.  Center:  Picking up a wad of wrapping paper with it.  Right:  A little dreaming!
Right:  Modeling her new soccer sweatshirt.  Center:  His favorite racer, Jimmie Johnson.  Right:  Buzz Lightyear.
The Readers:  Left:  The youngest received a pop-up book from his aunt.  Center:  The two older ones read a little.  Right:  Auntie reads to all three of them.  By the end of the holidays, she had a sore throat from reading so much! 

Happy New Year from all of us!

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Summer and Fall Fun!


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Our older grandson is a "sport:"  He plays basketball, baseball and football (his favorite).  He also loves the outdoors and spending time with Grandpa!
Left:  Playing baseball.  Center:  Fishing at the cabin with Grandpa.  Right:  Enjoying a birthday gift--a shooting lesson.

Our younger grandson is also a "sport:"  He plays basketball (his favorite), baseball and football.  He is also a great swimmer but doesn't have much time for it with his other sports.  He enjoys geocaching with us and has become quite the cacher--he has had a couple of parties with friends and he is the one putting the caches together and putting the coordinates in his GPS.

 He spent some time with us for an "urban vacation" this summer.  Left:  He and Grandpa at one of the caches.  Center:  They spent a lot of time biking on the many trails near our house.  Right:  He also enjoyed swimming in the pool in our development.

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 The racer:  Our six-year-old great-nephew is into quarter midget racing.  We were lucky enough to spend some time watching him drive this spring and summer.

Left:  With his car.  Center:  There he goes!  Right:  He took third place in his racing debut!  He was good enough that by the end of the season, he moved up one level for a couple of races.

The soccer star:  Our four-year-old (soon to be five) great-niece decided that she wanted to play soccer this summer.  We saw a practice and a game.

Left:  Posing at a game.  Center:  Laughing when she sees Jodie taking a photo.  Right:  She can't seem to run or kick the ball without having her tongue hanging out!

 Our two-year-old great-nephew hasn't chosen a sport yet but he is just plain active!  He gets to watch his big brother and big sister participate in their activities.  Pity the parents when he gets into a sport--having to be in three places at once might be pretty difficult!

Left:  The balancing act--balancing a car on each hand.  Center:  He DOES love to eat!  Here he mixes up a tasty treat.  Right:  His first summer on a two-wheeler.


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