Friday, March 02, 2007

Bad Hair. Great Orchestral Pop.

At least that is what Q magazine is saying about the Electric Light Orchestra at the time of the release of Out of the Blue in 1977.

Out of the Blue was the follow-up to the hugely successful A New World Record, and is generally regarded as Jeff Lynne's greatest achievement. At the time of its release the double album had preorders of four million copies, and eventually went on to sell eight million records worldwide (16 million records total). A remarkable achievement in 1977.

What was even more remarkable was the music.

Read the rave review of the new remastered version of Out of the Blue in the March 2007 issue.


At 7:21 PM, Anonymous said...

Awesome music (and hair)!

At 12:38 PM, Anonymous said...

Jeff hasn't changed much in the last twenty years.

I just wish he recorded more often. What happened to the remaster of Zoom? Didn't he finish 18 songs?

At 7:17 PM, BuyLevitra said...

Thanks for article!

At 5:10 AM, Phentermine said...

Thanks for interesting article.

At 6:19 PM, Anonimous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!


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