Want to Be Scared ...
The apprentice's friends think hearing the latest story by Fritz, the writer, will cheer poor
Karl up. At least it will distract Karl from the fact that he hasn't produced a new moving
figure for the great timepiece at the center of town, as he was supposed to. But to Fritz's
horror the story he tells Karl begins to come true, and one of the main characters -- the
evil Dr. Kalmenius -- shows up with a terrifying piece of clockwork. It's a knight called Sir
Ironsoul. And when Karl decides to accept Dr. Kalmenius's offer and try to pass Sir
Ironsoul off as his own work, the results are...well, deadly.
In the Land of the Lawn Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales
A collection of stories both creepy and funny about kids who can be little monsters --
literally! A substitute teacher finds out she has some monsters for students. A group of
kids attempt a levitation trick with hair-raising results. A neighborhood is so boring the
grown ups are turning into...well...you know. And dozens more. So don't be a weenie!
Read these stories!
Invasion of the Road Weenies and Other Warped and Creepy Tales
The apprentice's friends think hearing the latest story by Fritz, the writer, will cheer poor
Karl up. At least it will distract Karl from the fact that he hasn't produced a new moving
figure for the great timepiece at the center of town, as he was supposed to. But to Fritz's
horror the story he tells Karl begins to come true, and one of the main characters -- the
evil Dr. Kalmenius -- shows up with a terrifying piece of clockwork. It's a knight called Sir
Ironsoul. And when Karl decides to accept Dr. Kalmenius's offer and try to pass Sir
Ironsoul off as his own work, the results are...well, deadly.
Skeleton Man
Since she was very young, sixth-grader Molly has been told the Mohawk legend of the
Skeleton Man by her father. In the legend the Skeleton Man eats all the people of the
village. The heroine is a young girl who is helped by a rabbit and reverses the curse. One
night Molly dreams about the legend and when she wakes up her parents are gone.
(Nancy Keane Booktalks)
The Ghost's Grave
Willie just wanted his leg bones to be buried with the rest of him. Josh just wanted to help
the old ghost out. Digging in the old cemetery, Josh finds more than just bones. This
summer is getting creepy! Who is keeping watch on the graveyard? Who knows what Josh
found there?
(Nancy Keane Booktalks)
Harold, a dog, and Chester, a cat, resort to hilarious antics to alert their family that the
newly adopted bunny may actually be a vegetable vampire! A little scary, a lot of fun!
(Mrs. Dykeman)

Dim the lights. Lock the doors. Pull down the shades –– and BEWARE! It's time to read R.L.
Stine's favorite scary stories, plus two new tales of his own!

Something Wicked's in Those Woods
Evil. Eleven-year-old Javi Leál senses it the moment he and his little brother, Nico, arrive
at their aunt's house. Strange things are happening around the house: Chairs fly
mysteriously across a room. Appliances turn on and off by themselves. Javi must navigate
dark, forbidding turf as he finds himself caught up in a struggle with supernatural powers.
But time is running out. Will Javi find a way to protect Nico from the wickedness and rid
his new family of the unearthly forces before someone is hurt?
(Marisa Montes Website)