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Home Brewed Pest and Disease Control

There are many ways to reduce chemical use in the home and garden. From home mixtures to introducing beneficial species, all is possible for the home gardener. Included on this page are cures and preventative measures for both pest and disease problems.

Recipe 1- Take an empty spray bottle and fill about 3/4 of the way with water, then add a few drops of Ivory liquid soap, some hot peppers or hot pepper sauce and some garlic. This works well, but needs to be reapplied after a storm and every couple of weeks. Recipe 2- Grind together three hot peppers. three large onions and one whole bunch of garlic. Cover mash with water and place in a covered container. Let container stand over night. Strain mixture through cheesecloth or a fine strainer and add enough water to make a gallon of spray.
Recipe 3- Mix 2 1/2 tablespoons of a mild dish washing detergent plus the same amount of a vegetable cooking oil with one gallon of water. This can be sprayed on all plants. Remember to spray both the top and the underside of the leaves. Recipe 4- Finely chop 10 to 15 garlic cloves and soak in 1 pint of mineral oil for 24 hours. Strain and spray as is, or add a few drops of soap for extra stickiness.
Recipe 5- Blend 1/2 cup of hot peppers with 2 cups of water. Strain and spray. Recipe 6- Blend 1/2 cup of hot peppers with 2 cups of water. Strain and spray.
Recipe 7- Blend 1/2 cup of hot peppers with 2 cups of water. Strain and spray. Recipe 8- Combine 1 to 2 cups of rubbing alcohol with 1 quart of water. Test spray and let stand overnight to see if damage occurs to plant.


More specific recipes:

Orange trees and rosebushes- Soak macerated tomato leaves in water and apply as spray onto leaves and branches.
Red spider mites, spiders, cabbage worms and weeds- An ounce of table salt to a gallon of water has been shown to stop these pests. Use a tablespoon of salt to two gallons of water for the worms. Straight salt, especially in non-garden areas can stop weeds.
Snails- Setting out a tray of beer or any other yeasty, fermented liquid will attract snails from all around your garden.
Species specific "Bug Juice"- Collect 1/2 cup of a specific pest and mash well. Mix this with two cups of water and strain. Mix 1/4 cup of this "bug juice" with 2 cups of water and a few drops of soap and spray.

A Head Start for Spring Trees

Control insect problems on dormant fruit and flowering trees (this is not for evergreens) as the bugs wake up in the spring, with dormant oil spray. This is available commercially, and may be combined with lime/sulphur for greater protection against fungal diseases.
To make your own, mix 1 part liquid soap with 5 parts oil (mineral oil, baby oil or 10 weight non-detergent, additive-free oil) and add 80 parts warm water to form an emulsion. Use in late March or early April on a calm day, at least 7-10 degrees Celsius. Cover all surfaces, until the tree is shiny.

Spray Recipe used to
control fungi such as
Mildew and Blackspot

Mix 100 parts water with 1 part baking soda and 1-2 drops dish soap to improve coverage of foliage. For severe disease on tough plants, increase concentration up to 20 parts water to 1 part baking soda.