The Resistance Welding Store, located in Rochester, New York, is one stop shopping in the field of resistance welding. Spot, Seam, Flash, Butt, Upset, Stud, CD or Projection welding, the Store has the capital equipment, electrodes and accessories, peripheral equipment and welding schedules for any resistance welding application. Capital equipment is from quality manufacturers suchas Banner, Thompson, Progressive, LORS, and ProWeld. We match the customer request with the best controls and equipment available. Controls are manufactured by Unitrol, Entron, and Medar. Our factory trained technicians provide installation services as well as preventive maintenance, upgrade services and warranty repair, if needed. The Resistance Welding Store conducts multiple level training classes in the Science of Resistance Welding and Metallurgy. The Store also provides peripheral equipment such as air cleaners to remove the welding fumes from coated metal applications and chill units for maintaining proper cooling temperature to the transformer, SCRs and electrode tips. The Resistance Welding Store, for all your SPOT WELDING needs!

ForAll Your Spot Welding Needs