DLIA Spring meeting 4/25/2015

Board members present:  Tina Schilz, Kathy Schmidt, Sharlene Seipel, Rachel Janssen, Renee Lindgren, Gale Gronenthal.  Absent Ron Dixon

Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m.  Rachel read the minutes from spring meeting 2014.  Motion was made and second to approve the secretaries report.  Motion carried.

Sharlene presented the treasurers report.  Balance on hand $22,226.19.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer's report.  Motion carried.

Business discussed:

1.  911 addresses are being worked on with Sheriff Ladwig.

2. Lake cleanup was discussed.  Marv Wilcox made a motion to discontinue the Callaway roll offs.  Motion was seconded and a vote was taken.  Discontinuing the dumpsters was passed.

3.  Tina announced the Christmas Lighting contest to take place in 2015.

4.  Volunteers for a committee to be in charge of the July 4, 2015 activities were sought.  Vicky Squires , Marla Benson & Kim Valish will organize the events.

Len Levitz made a motion to keep both Wald and the Pyro crew for fireworks displays.  Michelle Markussen seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

5.  A motion on lowering the age to 16, for recreational vehicles operators, pending Gary Jones approval, was made by Len Levitz.  Kim Valish seconded.  Motion carried.

6.  Lee Benson made a motion to increase the number of recreational vehicles allowed per residence to 4.  Motion was seconded.  Motion did not pass.

7.  Dredging was discussed.  The lake can rent or buy Obrist's dredger.  Chad Rausch will also be available to do personal dredging.  His contact number is 402-615-1211.

8.  Calcium Chloride treatment of the roads was discussed to reduce dust.  Liquid was suggested as the best alternative.  Diane Kouma moved to look into treating the roads and how often it would be necessary.  Lee Benson seconded.  Also questions of how it would affect  water quality if it gets into the lake.   It will be researched and the board could approve without a general lake vote if it comes under $3000.00.


9.  The Road Committee consists of:  Leon Kuta, Joe Seipel, & Dan Maurer.  They will check with Gary Jones on possible purchase of a blade and the calcium chloride treatment.

10.  Volunteers were asked for the Meet and Greet your Neighbor activity.  If no one volunteers, this would not take place. 

11.  Joe Seipel stated the power lines over the lake will be removed by the power company.  Joe will also pursue a tornado siren through the State of Nebraska. 

Upcoming Events:

Spring lake cleanup weekend May 16-17, 2015

Horse balls is June 20, 2015 @ 1:30

Wald Fireworks June 27, 2015 at dusk

July 4th activities i.e. parade, turtle races etc Times to be announced

Pyro Crew Fireworks July 4, 2015 at dusk

Volleyball is September 6, 2015 @ 1:30

Meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m.

Rachel Janssen

DLIA Board Secretary