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Saturday, November 10, 2007

New Category- Backyard Birding

My mother fed wild birds ever since I can remember, but I did not catch the bug until recently. My mother simply tossed bread crumbs, and whatnot, into the yard, while I use the more traditional method of feeders. I have two of them, and cameras pointed at both. Visit my web site to view the web cams.

I am not very good at identifying birds, so I ordered a couple of books from Amazon:

"Birds of Pennsylvania Field Guide, Second Edition" by Stan Tekiela; Paperback

"National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Pennsylvania (NG Field Guide to Birds)" by Jonathan Alderfer

"Birds Of Pennsylvania" Franklin Haas

Hopefully, they will help.

One idea I came up with, was to use a point and shoot camera to capture an image every ten minutes, or so. I have the software to do that, but the feeder where I would point the camera is the one that gets the least activity.

Last winter I had cardinals as regular visitors, so I loaded that feeder with a cardinal mix. In the other feeder I have a nyjer / black oil sunflower seeds mix.

Posted by Dave at 1:58 PM
Edited on: Thursday, November 22, 2007 9:56 AM
Categories: Backyard Birding