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Friday, January 25, 2008

Web Cam

I checked in on the web cam at work today. I think I saw a downy. Actually, all I saw was a little blur hanging off the side of the suet block. I am really disappointed with this camera, and I really want to find a better solution. I need a color camera for outside use. It can be a network or USB connect, and does not need pan, tilt and zoom. If you have a suggestion, please let me know!

I truly do have to work on identifying birds. When I walked out to the feeder the other day, I saw what looked like a big, round ball of fur, sitting at the feeder. Most birds do not let me get within twenty feet of them before flying away. As I was approaching this one, I was wondering if it even COULD fly. Since it was on the feeder, I figured that it probably could. When I got a few feet away, I told it to leave, and it did fly- all the way five feet or so, into a bush. I am pretty sure that it was a juvenile, but of what, I do not know.

Posted by Dave at 8:07 PM
Edited on: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:49 PM
Categories: Backyard Birding