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Monday, March 24, 2008

Eagle's Nest

I took a couple of pictures of the eagle's nest. Unfortunately, my 18X lens was not up to the task. But you can see how large the nest is! I uploaded an image to the Picasa web. I also uploaded an image of a downy using the higher zoom.

I went for a bicycle ride tonight and saw a couple of robins. I knew they are around, but I haven't seen any in my yard, as of yet. Speaking of bicycles, it is time to register for the Pedal To Preserve farmland bicycle ride. It is June 7th, so you have time to get in shape! There are 6, 20 and 51 mile courses. This is a fun ride, and well worth a trip to this area!

One other note- The recipe that I published for making suet calls for adding sugar. That is no longer recommended. You can find that post by selecting February in the Archives, and look for the Waste Free post.

Posted by Dave at 7:19 PM
Edited on: Saturday, March 29, 2008 11:44 AM
Categories: Backyard Birding