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Sunday, April 20, 2008


I used another section of antenna mast to mount the Wingscapes camera, and point it at the birdbath. I got some nice videos and stills, like this Robin. I am already using half the web space that Frontier allows, so I uploaded mostly to my Picasa Web space. I didn't know that I could upload video to Picasa! They look a bit grainier, but maybe it's just me. See the video on my site, the Birdsbath, House Sparrow, and Robin videos on Picasa. Also see a Wingscapes Goldfinch image on Picasa. I also uploaded a Robin and a couple other goldfinch pics, a single and a pair. These last I saw when working in the driveway. I was closer than when I took the last pics of them, so I went into the house and grabbed the camera. Of course they would not let me get as close as I had been without the camera!

Posted by Dave at 1:13 PM
Edited on: Sunday, April 20, 2008 3:50 PM
Categories: Backyard Birding