Rätt o Slätts Jala Peno
call name: Pepper
(Rätt o Slätts Groover + Brightline Dominick Gräddklick)

Pepper has been called "Houdini" for his many escape attempts. He loves to run free and just keep going. It was his own idea to winsomely sit up like a gopher on our lap and he does this repeatedly. A very good boy.




Skogsbygdens Örjan Järv
call name: Birdy
(SUCH DKUCH Kopparås Järv + Skogsbygdens Ursula Vargtass)

Birdy is a loving "smoocher" and he has a penchant for packing toys around, which have a way of disintegrating in his care.

Naptime. Vallhunds often sleep on their back.


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