William McCracken
Susannah Thompson
(Abt 1782-1853)
James Welsh
Elizabeth Gibson
James McCracken
Sarah Ann Welsh
Eliza Jane McCracken


Family Links

George Graham

Eliza Jane McCracken 12

  • Born: 14 Oct 1856, Huron Co., Ontario, Canada
  • Marriage: George Graham on 22 Jul 1872 in Bayfield, Howard, Nebraska 256
  • Died: Marne, Iowa

bullet  General Notes:

After she was married, they lived in Marne, Iowa. Note on marriage certificate - "1st marriage in Howard Co." I saw this in the book in the original handwriting!


Eliza married George Graham, son of Hugh Graham and Mabel Anthony, on 22 Jul 1872 in Bayfield, Howard, Nebraska.256 (George Graham was born in 1848 in Arthur, Canada West.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Marriage License, 20 JUL 1872, Howard County, Nebraska
Witnessed by E Howard of Howard County and Jonathan Arthaud of Oak Creek,
Certificate has hand written note 'First Marriage in Howard County'.
Ceremony performed by J.C. Lewis, Minister of the Gospel.

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