John G. Ward
(Abt 1835-)
Rebecca A. W. Chids
(Abt 1828-)
Isaac Ward


Family Links

Flora McCracken

Isaac Ward 12

  • Born: 30 Mar 1858, Westmoreland County, Virginia
  • Marriage: Flora McCracken on 25 Oct 1879 in St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska 258
  • Died: 27 Oct 1938, Seattle, Washington at age 80

bullet  General Notes:

Isaac Ward, subject of the above biographical sketch, was born in Westmoreland county, Virginia, March 30, 1858, and was eldest in a family of six children. He was raised in Fayette and Green counties, Pennsylvania, coming to Howard county, Nebraska, in May, 1878, where he worked for James McCracken and other farmers for six months, and in the year 1879 he took up a tree claim of one hundred twenty acres. On October 25, 1879, Mr. Ward was married to Miss Flora McCracken, in St. Paul, Nebraska. The McCracken family came to St. Paul in 1872. One brother lives in St. Paul, one on a Howard county farm, and a sister, Mrs. Henry Roe, resides in St. Paul. Mrs. Ward's parents are deceased and the rest of the family are scattered. They were one of the very first families to settle in Howard county.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward lived on the north-west quarter of section fourteen, township fifteen, range eleven, for seven years, then moved to Colorado and engaged in ranching remaining eleven years. In the spring of 1898 they returned to Howard and purchased the old E. L. Peck, farm on the North Loup river bottom, on section eighteen, township fourteen, range ten, where they now own two hundred acres of choice land, a good house, and well-equipped farm. They also own a town residence in St. Paul, Nebraska, and expect to make that place their home in the near future. Mr. Ward is owner of the hardware business of that name in St. Paul, of which his son, William R. Ward, is manager.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward have seven children four boys and three girls - a family of education and good attainments: Walter I., who is married and lives on a Howard county farm; Almeda, married to Charles H. Kelley, is living in Alberta, Canada; Mamie A., married to Otto A. Peterson, lives in South Dakota; William R., manager of the Ward Hardware Company, St. Paul; Oliver Leslie, college student; and Harry R., and Effie M. who reside under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward are widely known and have many friends and acquaintances in Howard county. Mr. Ward is a self-made man, and his life demonstrates what may be accomplished by industry, good management and honest dealings.
He is a man of intelligence and capability and has acquired an enviable reputation both socially and in a business way.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Census Record, 1880, St. Paul Precinct, Howard County, Nebraska.

• Moved to:, 1887, Cope, Washington, Colorado, USA. 259 In the spring

• Moved to:, 1898, St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska. 259

• Census Record, 1900, St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska.

• Moved to:, 1933, Seattle, Washington. 259 In the spring


Isaac married Flora McCracken, daughter of James McCracken and Sarah Ann Welsh, on 25 Oct 1879 in St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska.258 (Flora McCracken was born on 24 Dec 1863 in Huron Co., Ontario, Canada and died on 18 Nov 1945 in Seattle, Washington.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Marriage License, 24 OCT 1879, Howard County, Nebraska
Witnessed by C W McCracken and Eliza J Crow of Warsaw, Nebraska.
Performed by A G Bartholomew, Pastor M E Church, St Paul, Nebraska.

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