James Welsh
Elizabeth Gibson
Jarett William Nesbit Irvin
(Abt 1805-1834)
Sarrah West
James Welsh Jr.
Elizabeth Irvine
William John Welsh


Family Links

Edith Catherine Haggart

William John Welsh

  • Born: 23 Jan 1860, Morris Twp., Huron, Ontario, Canada 134
  • Christened: 10 Dec 1860, Morris Twp., Huron, Ontario, Canada
  • Marriage: Edith Catherine Haggart on 14 Sep 1881 in St. Libory, Howard, Nebraska 133
  • Died: 15 Jul 1913, Howard County, Nebraska at age 53
  • Buried: Elba, Howard, Nebraska, USA

bullet  General Notes:

In 1907 he was living "five miles west of St. Paul", according to his mother's obituary.

John Welsh, a prosperous and much respected farmer of St.Paul precinct, whose well developed farm adds greatly to the prosperity of the locality, is a man of untiring energy, and classed among the substantial agriculturists of Howard county. He has made this region his home for the better part of thirty-six years, coming to the county in 1873, although some of this time was spent in travel through the other western states.
Mr. Welsh is a native of Huron county, Canada, born January 23, 1860, and was the fifth child in a family of nine. When he was a lad of eleven, his parents settled in Sanilac county, Michigan, remaining there for about three years, at which time himself, mother, two brothers and two sisters joined the father in Howard county, Nebraska, he having made settlement here in April, 1873, and they following in October of the same year. They were located on a homestead and timber claim, situated in section thirty, township fifteen, range eleven, and farmed the place for three years, then purchased some land on section thirteen, township fourteen, range twenty-four. Mr. Welsh continued on this place until his death, which occurred May 1, 1880, and at that time was owner of four hundred and twenty-seven acres, all well-improved and valuable land. He had become one of the well-known and highly respected citizens of his locality through his integrity and sterling character, and his death was a severe loss to the community. His wife survived him for many years, she dying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carrie Fraim, on April 16, 1907, leaving six children to mourn her loss, all of whom live in Howard county except one daughter, who is in Michigan.
Our subject has made Howard county his home place since first coming here in 1873, with the exception of short absences at different times. His farm is situated on section nineteen, township fifteen, range ten, and is fully improved and equipped with every kind of modern buildings and machinery.
Mr. Welsh has held different local offices, serving as road overseer for a number of years, also has been director of his school district for several years.
On September 14, 1881, Mr. Welsh was united in marriage to Miss Edith C. Haggart, the event occurring at St. Libory, Howard county. Mrs. Welsh is a native of New York state, coming into Howard county with her parents in 1873, the family being among the first settlers in the Sand Hills country. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, named as follows: Ura Edith, who is the wife of Austin Jacobs, living in St. Paul; James D., married and living in the northern part of Howard county; William E., Daniel Everett, Charles Arch, Mabel Elizabeth, Leola Myrtle, Anna May and John Burton, the last mentioned seven children all living at home, and all together form a most interesting family group, their home being one of the pleasantest a weary traveler could wish to find, and where each comer is made to feel cordially welcome.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Residence, 16 Feb 1872, Speaker, Sanilac, Michigan. 127 from sister Margaret Ann's death record

• Immigration, Oct 1873, Nebraska.

• Census Record, 1880, St. Paul Precinct, Howard County, Nebraska.

• Residence, 15 Jun 1900, St. Paul Precinct, Howard County, Nebraska. 135 He is shown as a farmer owning his farm. Living with him are his wife and seven children, his mother and his nephew, Jesse Riness, who is listed as farm laborer.

• Residence, 21 May 1910, St. Paul Precinct, Howard County, Nebraska. 136 Living with him are his wife, five children and his nephew, Frank Tolliver, age 23.


William married Edith Catherine Haggart, daughter of John Haggart and Unknown, on 14 Sep 1881 in St. Libory, Howard, Nebraska.133 (Edith Catherine Haggart was born on 14 Apr 1862 in New York, died on 14 Feb 1932 in Howard County, Nebraska and was buried in Elba, Howard, Nebraska, USA.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Witnessed by Charles Haggart of St Libory and Miss Eli(?) Welsh of St
Paul, Nebraska.
Performed by Henry Roe, Justice of the Peace.Witnessed by Charles Haggart
of St Libory and Miss Welsh of St Paul, Nebraska

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