Jacob Bublitz
(Abt 1822-)
Caroline Miller
(Abt 1824-)
Charles Bublitz


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Charles Bublitz

  • Born: 1844, Prussia
  • Marriage: Minnie

bullet  General Notes:

704 Marsac Street
Bublitz, Charley, head, white, 76 years old, married, born in Prussia,
parents born in Prussia, came to US 1872, naturalized 1895, able to read
and speak english, watchman sawmill.
Bublitz, Minnie, wife, white, 60 years old, married, born in Prussia,
parents born in Prussia, occupation none.
Bublitz, Charley, son, white, 30 years old, born in Michigan, parents
born in Prussia, trapper (then what appears to read "animal farm")


bullet  Noted events in his life were:


• Immigration, 1872.

• Naturalization, 1895, Bay City, Bay, Michigan, USA.

• Residence, 1920, Bay City, Bay, Michigan, USA. at 704 Marsac Street.

• Occupation, 1920. as watchman at a sawmill.


Charles married Minnie. (Minnie was born in 1860 in Prussia.)

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