Robert Gilmore
James Logan Gilmore Rev.
Sarah Willis
Milton Gilmore


Family Links

Mary Hunt

Milton Gilmore 12

  • Born: 2 Mar 1822, Boone County, Kentucky
  • Marriage: Mary Hunt on 23 Feb 1845 in Des Moines County, Iowa
  • Died: 27 Jan 1903, Leroy, Kansas at age 80

bullet  General Notes:

Handwritten note by Betty Jane McCracken Hurt:

copied from a book Uncle Rob had - then Gail Gilmore.

Milton Gilmore, one of the early settlers of Louisa County, Iowa,
now residing in Morning Sun, was born in Boone County, Kentucky; March 2,
1822 and is the son of Reverend James L Gilmore, born March 5, 1792, of
Scotch decent, his father being Robert Gilmore, who came from Scotland.
James was a soldier in the War of 1812 and March 5, 1818 was united in
marriage with Sarah Willis, who was born in Virginia, February 16, 1792.
Mr & Mrs Gilmore were the parents of seven children, four of whom
are living - two are known to be dead, and one brother, if yet living,
probably reside in Oregon.
In 1831, Rev. Gilmore removed with his family from Kentucky to Rush
County, Indiana where he developed a farm from the unbroken timber. When
18 years of age he was converted to the Baptist faith, joining that
church, and at the age of 21, was ordained, being instrumental in forming
a congregation and erecting a comfortable church at Rushville, where he
was known as a pioneer preacher. In 1834, he came to Des Moines County,
Iowa, and made a claim. In 1836, the family moved to that county,
settling in Franklin township, where Mr Gilmore organized a Baptist
Congregation and subsequently assisted in building a stone church which
is still standing. It was the first church built in the county. The
death of Mrs Gilmore occurred in Des Moines County, March 9, 1862 and Rev
Gilmore died in Kentucky in October 1865.
The subject of this sketch went with his parents to Rush County,
Indiana when ten years old, and there grew to manhood. In 1836, he came
to Des Moines County, Iowa, assisting in developing a farm and helping to
haul the material from which the first church in that county was built.
Mr Gilmore was united in marriage with Miss Polly Hunt, a daughter of
Charles Hunt. Four children were born to their union, James, John, and
Jonathan who were residents of Taylor County, Iowa; and Sarah, wife of
Oliver Dotson of this county. Mrs Gilmore died February 5, 1864 and he
subsequently married Matilda Busher of Pennsylvania. They were the
parents of one child, Thomas, now a resident of Alaska. After a short
married life of four years, she was called to her home, and Mr Gilmore
was a third time married to Ann Slade and she died soon after. He then
married Miss Sarah Hamilton, a native of Ohio.
In 1852, Mr Gilmore purchased a farm in Louisa County, upon which he
resided until 1882, and then removed to Morning Sun. Politically, he is
a republican. He is financially a self made man, having by hard work and
economy, accumulated a comfortable competency and is today enjoying the
fruits of his hard labor, living a retired life in Morning Sun.

P.S. As told by granddaughter Jessie Gilmore McCracken. Grandfather
Milton Gilmore moved in with her father, John William - when she was a
small child. He brought a few pieces of furniture, and some pieced
quilts his wife made. He moved to Kansas in 1901 or 1902 and died
there. Is buried at LeRoy, Kansas.

Married four times to women who all died of tuberculosis. (carrier-?)

That was a very nicely done letter. It gave me some information that i
did not
have. but I did notice a few errors it it as well. I have Sarah as a
and she outlived James. I knew he died in 1865 but Sarah is listed insome
estate records as still living. That is something I will have to check-out
again. Also James came to Rush Co IN before 1831 because they are on the
census in Rush county. But all in all what a wonderful piece of
To bad you cannot locate that book. I will send off tomorrow copies of
some of
my information. Take care and thank you for sharing.


1870 Census Record: Milton is now married to Matilda. Jonathan, Sarah
and Thomas are at home.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Census Record, 1870, Morning Sun Township, Desmoines County, Iowa.

• Census Record, 1850, Des Moines County, Franklin Township, Iowa.

• Census Record, 1860, Morning Sun Township, Desmoines County, Iowa.


Milton married Mary Hunt, daughter of Charles Hunt and Unknown, on 23 Feb 1845 in Des Moines County, Iowa. (Mary Hunt was born about 1821 in Indiana and died on 5 Feb 1864.)

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